Debates on Competition Law

VBER Modernization

ARCON and Universul Juridic Publishing House

ARCON – Romanian Association of Competition Law – in partnership with Universul Juridic Publishing House are delighted to announce the launch of a series of four debates on highly important topics of Competition Law, currently raising steep challenges among the practitioners from both the local and the E.U. markets.

The events aim at offering the interested parties – such as judges, representatives of public authorities, academics, lawyers, business representatives and students – the possibility to exchange ideas, points of view and concerns on some very debated issues at the moment. The events will take place in Bucharest in September, October and November 2023 and will engage online and onsite audiences by providing the perfect hybrid event platform.

We hereby have the pleasure of inviting you to our first event in this series, namely “VBER Modernization”. Although adopted in 2022, given the limited practice of the Romanian Competition Council, the new Vertical Block Exemption Regulation has not been thoroughly debated and explained in Romania, thus creating an excellent opportunity and timing for a professional exchange of ideas.

Moderator: Anca Buta Mușat, Chair and Founding Member ARCON


Herlinde Burez – Expert in UE Competition Law, Partner at contrast European & Business Law

Paul Bridgeland – European Commission, Directorate-General for Competition

Bogdan Chirițoiu – President of Romanian Competition Council

Aida Săndulache – Legal and Compliance Director, Servier

Alexandru Șotropa – Competition Law Coordinator, eMAG


  • What are the substantial changes that will shape how businesses design their vertical agreements;
  • What are the competition authorities’ priorities under the new legal framework;
  • New VBER alongside the Vertical Guidelines – what to expect on short and long terms.


ARCON – Romanian Association of Competition Law – was founded to act as a hub/ an incubator for the study and discussion of all national, EU and international developments and commercial practices on competition law, including its intersection with unfair competition law and intellectual property law. By promoting the exchange of ideas and experiences between all professionals interested in this field of law, the association wishes to create an impartial forum for debate and create valuable knowledge on any topic of interest to the field, thus leveraging its credibility and reputation to promote a fair and balanced application and interpretation of competition law which serves the interests of consumers, the business environment and the public at large.


Paul Bridgeland and Herlinde Burez’s presentation can be downloaded here.