

ARCON has five membership categories. You can choose to join ARCON as a member of one of three categories, whichever best suits your needs.

Who can become a member?

ARCON welcomes members from a wide range of professional backgrounds: magistrates, lawyers, legal advisers, civil servants, academics, trade mark and patent attorneys, economists, trade experts, students. Please consult the "Members" section of the website to see the different types of membership available and to sign up.


We have many benefits when you join our association, such as LIDC membership, Voting rights in the General Assembly, Can be elected to the Board of Directors, Discounts from ARCON partners, Participation in ARCON events and activities, Participation in the development of national reports and position papers.

Members types

We have five types of members: founding members, associate member natural person, associate member legal person, affiliate member, honorary member.

Legal status

At ARCON we welcome into our association any legal entity that will follow the registration steps below, both legal entities and individuals.

Member category Natural/legal person Who is it for and how does it work? Benefits Available on request / by nomination Single registration fee2 Annual subscription2
Founding member
Natural person
Membrii fondatori sunt persoanele care au fondat ARCON și au furnizat capitalul și investițiile inițiale. The list of Founding Members is here.
✓ Become a member of LIDC
✓ Voting rights in the General Assembly
✓ Can be elected to the Board of Directors
✓ Discounts from ARCON partners
✓ Participate in events and activities organised by ARCON
✓ Participate in the preparation of national reports and position papers
By nomination
Associate Member
Natural person
Natural person Associate Members can be any individual (including professionals registered as individual practitioners according to the rules governing their activity) interested in the field of competition law, intellectual property law and unfair competition law, irrespective of their professional background but willing to adhere to ARCON’s objectives and statutes and to constructively contribute to the exchange of information and experience on topics of interest.
✓ Become a member of LIDC
✓ Voting rights in the General Assembly
✓ Can be elected to the Board of Directors
✓ Discounts from ARCON partners
✓ Participate in events and activities organised by ARCON
✓ Participate in the preparation of national reports and position papers
By application
Associate Member
Legal entity
Legal person Associate Members can be any company (irrespective of the form of incorporation), partnership or association, interested in the field of competition law, intellectual property law and unfair competition law, irrespective of the focus of their activity but willing to adhere to ARCON’s objectives and statutes and to constructively contribute to the exchange of information and experience on topics of interest. Any Legal person Associate Member can designate, every year, the persons (not more than three) who will act as its representatives in ARCON for the year. The Legal person Associate Member can change its representatives during the year according to the ARCON Statutes.
✓ Become a member of LIDC
✓ Voting rights in the General Assembly
✓ Can be elected to the Board of Directors4
✓ Discounts from ARCON partners
✓ Participate in events and activities organised by ARCON
✓ Participate in the preparation of national reports and position papers
By application
Affiliate member
Natural person
Affiliate Members can be students, academics or public officials who are interested in the field of competition law, intellectual property law and unfair competition law and who adhere to ARCON’s objectives and statutes and wish to constructively contribute to the exchange of information and experience on topics of interest.
✓ Participate in events and activities organised by ARCON
✓ Participate in the preparation of national reports and position papers5
By application
Honorary Member
Natural person
Honorary Members are distinguished individuals who have had a remarkable impact on the evolution of competition law, intellectual property law and unfair competition law and whose involvement can substantially further the objectives of ARCON.
✓ Discounts from ARCON partners6
✓ Participate in events and activities organised by ARCON
✓ Participate in the preparation of national reports and position papers7
By appointment
2 In EUR, payable in RON at exchange rate valid on the day of payment. 3 Legal person Associate Members are entitled to one vote in the ARCON General Assembly. 4 Any of the Legal person Associate Members’ representatives can be elected. 5 Subject to invitation. 6 Subject to invitation and without voting rights. 7 Subject to invitation.

Member benefits include

Become a member now
Membership renewal

Become a member! Nullam fermentum at orci sed tempus. Proin interdum augue enim, at pellentesque quam finibus sit amet. Quisque est est, interdum ut dolor vitae, rutrum porta tellus.

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Membership renewal

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Nullam a eros at est vehicula posuere fringilla vel eros. Vivamus finibus tortor ac pharetra blandit. Vivamus commodo lectus nec nisl placerat, dictum blandit orci euismod. Pellentesque non risus ut odio fringilla vehicula id et mi. Ut risus est, pretium eget nisl ac, tempor pellentesque mauris. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nunc ac diam id tellus sodales ornare sit amet ac magna. Donec bibendum nisi et p

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Nullam a eros at est vehicula posuere fringilla vel eros. Vivamus finibus tortor ac pharetra blandit. Vivamus commodo lectus nec nisl placerat, dictum blandit orci euismod. Pellentesque non risus ut odio fringilla vehicula id et mi. Ut risus est, pretium eget nisl ac, tempor pellentesque mauris. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nunc ac diam id tellus sodales ornare sit amet ac magna. Donec bibendum nisi et p


Name First name - company/

There is simply no better way to maintain my professional development while at the same time making great friends, developing referral and support relationships, and providing service to our profession.

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Nullam a eros at est vehicula posuere fringilla vel eros. Vivamus finibus tortor ac pharetra blandit. Vivamus commodo lectus nec nisl placerat, dictum blandit orci euismod. Pellentesque non risus ut odio fringilla vehicula id et mi. Ut risus est, pretium eget nisl ac, tempor pellentesque mauris. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nunc ac diam id tellus sodales ornare sit amet ac magna. Donec bibendum nisi et p

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Nullam a eros at est vehicula posuere fringilla vel eros. Vivamus finibus tortor ac pharetra blandit. Vivamus commodo lectus nec nisl placerat, dictum blandit orci euismod. Pellentesque non risus ut odio fringilla vehicula id et mi. Ut risus est, pretium eget nisl ac, tempor pellentesque mauris. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nunc ac diam id tellus sodales ornare sit amet ac magna. Donec bibendum nisi et p

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