National conference organized by ASDPI, ALAI Romania, Academy of Legal Sciences, ARCON, ORDA and OSIM, in partnership with Universul Juridic, Mușat & Asociații and Roș & Asociații.

We invite you to a broad debate on the topic of artificial intelligence, together with judges, university professors, lawyers and other legal professionals – the National Conference “Artificial Intelligence. Its Legitimacy and Morality”, organized by the Scientific Association for Intellectual Property Law – ASDPI, in collaboration with ALAI Group Romania, Academy of Legal Sciences, ARCON, ORDA and OSIM, in partnership with Universul Juridic Publishing House, Mușat & Asociații and Roș & Asociații.
The event will take place on April 25 in the Hall of the “Gheorghe Ionescu Şișești” Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences in Bucharest, between 09:30 and 18:00. For ARCON members, participation is free. You can register by sending an email to
ARCON members Andreea-Adina Rotaru and Paul George Buta will be part of the prestigious speakers lineup.
09:30-10:00 – Conference opening
10:00-11:30 – SECTION I – Moderator: Prof. univ. dr. Viorel Roș
10:00-10:40 – Dr. Octavia Spineanu-Matei, Judge – Court of Justice of the European Union
- CJEU strategy in the use of artificial intelligence
10:40-11:00–Prof. Dr. Evelina Oprina – “Dimitrie Cantemir” Christian University from Bucharest
- The judge and algorithms or who is afraid of artificial intelligence
11:00-11:20 – Dr. Adrian Dinescu – “Nicolae Titulescu” University from Bucharest
- Against the artificial intelligent machine as author of works
11:20-11:40 – Daniela Cristudor – OSIM examiner
- Artificial intelligence in patenting
11:40-12:00 – Break
12:00-13:15 – SECTION II – Moderator: Prof. univ. dr. Evelina Oprina
12:00-12:15 – University Prof. Dr. Călina Jugastru – “Lucian Blaga” University from Sibiu
- The Internet of Things – the legal implications
12:15-12:30 – Prof. Univ. Dr. Bogdan Ciucă – “Lower Danube” University from Galati
- The impact of the use of artificial intelligence in the process of legal culture formation
12:30-12:45 – Univ. Dr. Carmen Oana Mihăilă – University of Oradea
- The tumultuous relationship between intellectual property and artificial intelligence. What do we gain from this?
12:45-13:00 – Univ. Dr. Cristian Miheș – University of Oradea
- Considerations regarding the implications of the use of generative artificial intelligence from a criminal law perspective
13:00-13:15 – University Assoc. Dr. Nicoleta Rodica Dominte – “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University from Iasi
- The truth value of the suite right in the artificial intelligence author equation (online)
13:15-14:15 – Lunch
14:15-15:45 – SECTION III – Moderators: Prof. univ. Dr. Călina Jugastru, Prof. Univ. Dr. Bogdan Ciucă
14:15-14:30 – Univ. Dr. Ciprian Pungilă – West University of Timișoara
- Security and resilience in the age of artificial intelligence
14:30-14:45 – Drd. Av. Cristiana Budileanu – Bucharest Bar
- Artificial intelligence and the current legislative framework of copyright. ChatGPT case study
14:45-15:00 – Univ. Dr. Ciprian Raul Romițan – “Romanian-American” University
- Can works generated or assisted by artificial intelligence constitute the subject of copyright?
15:00-15:15 – Dr. Simona Catrinel Avarvarei – “Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Life Sciences in Iași
- Artificial intelligence, the new Golem of a future that has already begun? (online)
15:15-15:30 – Av. Magda Irimia (Popescu) – adviser in industrial property
- The structure of artificial intelligence – regulation and liability
15:30-15:45 – Univ. Prof. Dr. Nicoleta Elena Hegheș – “Dimitrie Cantemir” Christian University from Bucharest
- Artificial Intelligence and Forensic Investigation
15:45-16:00 – Break
16:00-18:00 – SECTION IV – Moderators: Univ. Assoc. Dr. Cristian Miheș, University Associate. Dr. Carmen Oana Mihăilă
16:00-16:15 – Dr. Gheorghe Gheorghiu – President of the “Society of Romanian Authors and Publishers of Scientific Works” Association – PERGAM
- Is artificial intelligence a true author of copyrighted works?
16:15-16:30–Univ. Conf. Dr. Alin Speriusi-Vlad – West University of Timișoara
- Identifying Copyright: The Intersection of AI-Generated Creations and the Legal Rule
16:30-16:45 – Dr. George Mihai Irimescu – Advisor in industrial property
- The intersection of artificial intelligence and trademark protection
16:45-17:00 – Av. Andreea-Adina Rotaru – member of the Romanian Competition Law Association (ARCON)
- Issues regarding personal non-patrimonial rights, right to portrait, use of personal data in facial features image processing by an artificial intelligence model
17:00-17:15 – University Prof. Dr. Viorel Roș, Dr. Andreea Livădariu – “Nicolae Titulescu” University from Bucharest
- The legitimacy, amorality, immorality and/or morality of artificial intelligence
17:15-17:30 – Univ. Prof. Dr. Constantin Anechitoae – “Ovidius” University of Constanța
- The highway of artificial intelligence
17.30-17.45 – Dr. Paul George Buta – “Nicolae Titulescu” University from Bucharest
- Creation, creativity and originality in the realization and achievements of artificial intelligence
17:45-18:00 – Q&A
18:00 – End of event
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